The results of pro-quality competition for rector’s grants for highly scored publications or granted patents are known!. Artur Góra and Maria Bzówka are among awarded. They have received Rector Award for best publications in 2021.
Maria Bzówka was awarded by HPC-Europa3 Programme grant and she will stay 7 weeks in Spain where she will be supervised by Horacio Pérez Sánchez of the Computer Engineering Department, Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM), with HPC resources and support provided by Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).
Our new work about Structure-function relationship between soluble epoxide hydrolases structure and their tunnel network is already available in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. OPEN ACCESS.
Our new article about Evolution of tunnels in alpha/beta-hydrolase fold proteins-what can we learn from studying epoxide hydrolases? is now available as a preprint in bioRxiv. OPEN ACCESS. The follow-up study will appear in CSBJ journal. Both papers provide our insight into the evolutionary aspects of tunnels in epoxide hydrolases.
Sincerely congratulations to Weronika. Her engineering thesis about FUT8 inhibitors was recognized among best 15 engineering and bachelors thesis in a field of chemistry in 2021!!!